Episode 28 - Mentally Fit Muslims Is Now A Registered Charity
I really hate the F word, which is finance. I hate dealing with money. And I hate the financial aspect of running an organization. And I used to have two blogs before. One was MorningWind and then I started MuslimBipolar and both of them I had to stop.
Nov 20, 2021
I'm Saba Malik, and this is a Mini Mental.
I really hate the F word, which is finance. I hate dealing with money. And I hate the financial aspect of running an organization. And I used to have two blogs before. One was MorningWind and then I started MuslimBipolar and both of them I had to stop. And one of the main reasons was that I couldn't sustain it, meaning I was putting in the hours and I was paying for it.
But there came a point where I got burnt out, and there was only so much money I could invest in it. This time with Mentally Fit Muslims, I vowed, I made a promise to myself that InshAllah, this time when I start this organization, I'm going to work on sustaining it. It's not just a little project or hobby on the side, but it's actually an organization that I want, and that is bigger than me.
So I have a special announcement that has been in the works for the past year. Alhumdulillah, finally Mentally Fit Muslims is a registered charity.
What does this have to do with you? Well, you've been tuning in every month from my podcast episodes, and inshAllah they've been helping you. And when you give, when you donate to Mentally Fit Muslims, what are you doing? You are sustaining an important resource in the Muslim community that is not just going to help you, but help future generations inshAllah.
With the nonprofit, I'm still learning how to set it up, especially when it comes to the accounting side and the finance. And alhumdulillah my husband has that background so he's helping me with that. Now, when it comes to web design, and producing and editing podcast episode, that's where I'm so excited, because inshAllah with your contribution, I'll finally be able to hire people so that they can work on that. And I can just be the content producer, the creative mind behind this, and the one who's doing the research to bring you better episodes, to bring you better education about mental illness and mental health in our community.
Now, I could try to do this all by myself, which I have been doing for the past year and a half but honestly, it is exhausting. And I don't want to get burnt out. So that's why I know I need to bring people on. InshAllah, I'll be having a big fundraiser in a couple of months but for now, you can go on www.MentallyFitMuslims.org/sustain and make your donation. You can also be a monthly contributor so that every month you can donate a small amount or whatever amount you'd like.
When you're giving to this organization, you are not only investing in yourself, in your mental health, in your wellness, but that of other people and future generations who are to come.
Please make dua for this organization. Please make dua for me and my husband. Please make dua that this project is successful and that inshAllah it outlives me because seriously, it's not about me. Itt started out like that and how I had bipolar and my journey, but now it's bigger than that.
So please support us. Please support your mental health and donate at MentallyFitMuslims.org/Sustain.
Alright, see you next time As Salaam Alaikum.